Romantic relationship is very important to each person, and it usually begins with high hopes and bright expectations. Unfortunately, as time goes by, you slowly realize that your relationship is dying. You and the partner, lately, fight constantly without making up or even talking. You two rarely go out dates anymore; and the distance between you and that person seems further and further apart. Well…you are on the edge of a breakup. You know it yet you want to know: “when is it time to end a relationship?”
How do you recognize your relationship has reached its expiration date? The fact is that many relationships should end, especially when both partners have done all they can, aren’t even sure why things went wrong, and are weary of trying. For sure, there may be a contingent of people who can’t get along with others for any length of time, run when intimacy deepens, or just prefer sequential relationships for their own reasons. If things seem hopeless, no need to waste precious time hanging onto the love that keeps bringing up more and more question marks.
Below are the signs you need to leave your relationship. It’s time to move on and spend time taking loving care of yourself.
Importantly, if someone talks about marriage, you feel unexcited about the idea of marrying your partner. Don’t ever force yourself to stay in a relationship in which you have no feeling at all. Now, you and that person no longer share the same ideals, same dreams, and same thoughts like before. Can you really continue this relationship?
When is it time to end a relationship? It’s better that you should find the answer for your own relationship. Life is too short, so waste no time on something irredeemable.
I met my girlfriend freshman year of high school online through a friend and it was a solid four months we shared as a couple. But then I realized that the distance was unfair to both of us (she lives three hours away) and it would eliminate any opportunities that rose up for either of us in our physical lives. So we broke up and continued as online friends and shared information of our lives and who we were interested in with each other. Fast forward to senior year of high school, we started talking seriously again and knowing that we could break the distance finally we agreed to be nothing more than friends with benefits until I asked her to be my girlfriend again. At the beginning it was fun and romantic, I would go down to see her whenever I could and spent a lot of money on traveling and eating out. She cancelled on coming to see me twice before she finally did and hardly spent anytime really talking with my family (I was thrust into meeting her whole family on a whim and I integrated very swiftly into hers because I put in a lot of effort). But lately I’ve been noticing that she puts in the bare minimum effort that she has to to make me happy. She’ll do things, like force me not to pay for food or attempt to give me a shoulder massage (because she’s weak and I have a lot of muscle) and she gets me thoughtful presents on holidays. So I know she’s trying at the very least. Yet she’ll ask me for things and when I ask for something innocently in return she’ll make an excuse as to why i can’t have that something. I’ve lost an interest in putting effort into this relationship because I’m not seeing a whole lot in return. At one point I got very distant and wasn’t responding a bunch and she called me one night crying and saying how much it would hurt to lose me, but she’s not really doing anything to show me that she truly cares about that. Everyone around me has been saying that it’s a very one-sided relationship and that she doesn’t seem to fit me as a person at all and I’m just now starting to realize it but I’d still like to work on this and see if it’s salvageable.