To find the adequate answers to all intricate matters around men’s needs and hopes, wisely concern yourself with the relationship advice that is expressed from the guys’ bottom of heart. What are you curious about? Is it the common sex, love, or dating?
What Exactly Makes a Woman Good in Men’s Eyes?
According to relationship advice dating a divorced man, in men’s standpoint, a woman looks extremely seductive when she knows how to interact and cooperate with her partner via the uplifting communication. Especially, in bed, the best sex is not merely measured by one guy’s performance. Love is about give-and-take. Therefore, women had better learn how to “give” and “understand” their men with some tricky movements or funny experience.
In addition, when it comes to the dating nights, almost men want to have the honest communication with the less degree of criticism. In contrast to women’s thoughts, men actually hate the girls who tend to produce some artificial acts with the frequent complaints. Therefore, you ought to bear in mind that the great guys’ need is the straightforward and confident communication. To attract them, every girl is advised to communicate with truth and honesty first.
By revealing what men want and how to attract them, you’re able to build up the long-lasting relationship as the whole partners. How to keep a man happy? To most men, they need the fulfilled care and wholehearted love from their life mates. Thus, to construct the vibrant relationship, try not to let your guys feel that he plays the only minor part in your studious life. You’re too busy to send him even a message. That is terrible! How do you feel if your man suddenly disappears in your room? Learn to appreciate his existence!
Meanwhile, no one feels delighted when their privacy is violated. Thus, acknowledge yourself that your man has his own lifestyle! It is needless to control him from the morning to the evening, right? Your love is not the prison. Instead, it is the good boundary that protects your guy from numerous pitfalls. Never try to confine your men by all means!
What’s more, it is not always good to show off your innocence and simplicity. Notice that attractive women are the ones with the fully emotional maturity. That means you’re able to handle emotions with the high responsibility. To deal with love conflicts, not to get irritated with the verbal weapon instantly! Try your best to analyze the case and listen to men’s explanation!
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Well, I used to date this guy back in 1979, it was a good year and short lived. We did not leave each other mad, we were young lived in far away cities and that was that.
Through out the years we thought of each other and had similar dreams, as we shared.
When I found him on Facebook my intentions were not for a relationship but to see how everyone was doing.
He share with me his feelings throughout the years and begged me to be with him, I did. We live in different states now, but he wanted to visit me in Texas.
He also has disabilities, can’t function as a man,spinal cord injury, wears bifocals,went from a cane to a walker, another surgery is needed.
I knew that he loved me, I could feel the love he had for me flowing through the air. We communicated very well, talked for hours on the phone.
The problem started when I started to read to much in his messages, I was getting somewhat upset over small things. He said it will happen again and he will find a way to ensure we get through this, he also called me and said don’t change I love you just the way you are.
One day I saw he was acting different, he called me and I was half sleep telling me something to his where about with a neighbor.
I called him the next morning as We usually do, no answer so I assume he was sleep, out and about I called again no response.
I remembered that he was acting different, once I returned home I called him phone went straight to voice mail no one knew his where about.
So I blew up, wrote him some mean things pertaining to his health, and I told him the reason he was in the condition he was in, his treatment of people his whole life, he told me about times he was in prison and what got him there.
I was really upset that I was mean in that expect, but he was acting funny. So the next morning I went to the laundromat, called him from there, lo and behold he answered the phone.
My response what’s up, he was in jail for two days, I said why you did not call me or have someone call me, his response he did not think about that. He was in jail because he was running his mouth to police that had nothing to do with him.
He was mad, hurt on what I wrote, what was I supposed to think? He was truly acting funny. He did not let me live it down for a few days.
What I loved about him, he stuck with me by phone as I drove from Florida to Texas to ensure I was safe. I did the same thing for him when he had to wait on the bus very late night, he can’t defend himself like he used to.
I went to have my hair done on Wednesday, everything was kool, on Thursday we spoke briefly, his response to a bedroom set was weird.
Once I woke up I inboxed him on Facebook like we always do.
I saw he had read my messsges no respond. We to bed for the night work up next day, same thing no response, he sent me praying hands and blocked me on Facebook.
I knew he was getting tired and I was to but I did not want to give up, I was working on myself and everything.
When he blocked me I went crazy, he would not talk to me explain what’s going on, again Went way overboard and he knew I would not of done this had he not blocked me.
He did say he glad he did that because it brought out the real me.
He used to block me all the time, now he does not he let me write my messages to him. And he won’t take my pictures down from his cover page, I am the only one there who is not related.
If he put a special poster up and I write on it he will take it down. All of my writings are still there. Right before this happen he asked me if I loved him. Yes.
He put s picture of this 300 pound woman who he had taken a picture with, soon as I said how nice they look he snatched it down. He is not fat. Just have low self esteem. Because of his condition. And he told me I am the only person who had built him up made him feel good about hisself.
I just don’t understand why he no longer blocks me and won’t take my pictures down.
I would love to get back with him, we have much in common.
If we do I am moving back home, Michigan is where we both live and lived.
Thanks for your response.
OH, when he blocked me on Facebook he sent me praying hands.